
Welcome to The Linguistics Corpus of Mid-20th Century Hong Kong Cantonese (Phase 1). To access the corpus, you need a user account. To sign up, please click HERE.

因為系統問題, 語料庫的用戶名單最後更新日期為2019年8月。如果你在2019年8月後註冊但不能登入語料庫, 請重新註冊。
Due to server problems, the last update of the registered user list in our system is August 2019. If you registered after August 2019 and cannot login now, please register again for a new account.



We recommended that you cite our corpus as:
Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong, A Linguistics Corpus of Mid-20th Century Hong Kong Cantonese (Phase 1), Retrieved DATE, from http://hkcc.eduhk.hk

查詢或意見 Inquiry and comments: hkcc@eduhk.hk